About MC Global Security

MC Global Security understands that clients need a trusted advisor to assist them in navigating through today's everchanging landscape. Organizations need someone with experience who understands their business, their tasks and their personal challenges. Someone who is willing to join them on their journey from identifying the obstacles they are facing to mitigating the impacts.

We are an international security risk consulting and coaching practice with decades of experience and in where behavior is inextricably linked to all our offered services.

MC Global Security focuses on:

    • Behavioral Analysis: Consulting.

    • Psychological Behavioral Threat Analysis reports.

    • Confidential Mentoring & Coaching Services

    • Counter Human-Trafficking Education

    • Behavioral detection and negotiation

    • Forensic Interviewing

    • Investigation Analysis and Interrogation Support

    • Personal Protection assistance

    • Insider Threat and Fraud Advisory

    • Forensic Investigation Analysis

    • Operational Security

    • Security Risk Assessment Analysis

    • HEAT (Hostile Environment Awareness Training)

    We have extensive experience and firmly believe that one cannot render sound decisions without the necessary experience and expertise.

    Please feel free to navigate through our services using the main menu.


    The goal of MC Global Security is to successfully advance our clients' understanding of the challenges and risks they face, and to assist them with thorough analyses, advice and guidance on professional and personal topics.

    This is accopmlished by providing practical options to mitigate both enterprise and personal risks as well as offer guidance, direction, analyses and support.


    Our mission is to intersect security, risk and human behavior with the intention of covering all areas of safety and security and to offer a complete package for creating a safer environment, a better security awareness and meaningful personal growth.

    Hence our slogan:  "Where Security, Risk and Human Behavior Intersect"